Among the water -permeable building materials, its high strength and reliability is favorably different from the rest of the geotextiles, the basis of which is environmentally friendly synthetic polymer fibers. The geosynthetic canvas prevents the mixing of soil-foundation and the bulk layer, filters the flow of water and strengthens the soil of the equipped area, can be used in conditions of constant friction or pressure, in a wide temperature range. Due to its characteristics, this material began to be widely used in the construction of rails and roads, when laying pipelines, laying foundations, roofing, building hydraulic facilities.
Another durable modern durable material, with good water permeability, is gabion. Hydrostatic loads do not appear in structures from this material. Thus, Gabion is an ideal material when strengthening the slopes. Also, the plus of gabion structures is that they do not require the device of drainage systems – the gabion has a porous structure, so rain and groundwater simply pass through it. Thanks to this, there is no thunder of the base of the coastal structure, the soil does not suck. During operation for gabion structures, care is not required. Their installation is easy. In general, compared with reinforced concrete structures, Gabion designs are 10-50% cheaper.
A material such as a geogent is used to create load -bearing layers for the foundation and reinforcement of a road foundation. It is also used to strengthen slopes, slopes, cones of bridges, and the coast of water bodies. A geo -renown at the base of the slope provides soil reinforcement, which prevents its erosion, swelling and scattering. Reinforcement supports the functionality of the drainage system, the embankment needs to be made less thickness. Savings, when using a geogrid, is also achieved due to the fact that it is allowed to use cheap bulk materials.
Using specialized trading equipment
To trade in geosynthetic materials, it can significantly improve sales to increase the profit of the store.