It is impossible to disagree with the fact that the presence of his own country house gives the homeowner many advantages. You do not have to experience tremendous inconvenience that your neighbors love to listen to loud music in the evenings and constantly arrange noisy gatherings in their own apartment. You do not have to turn on several electric heaters in even cold winter evenings in order not to turn into an ice icicle. In addition, the owners of country houses get a wonderful opportunity to enjoy fresh air, and for this it will not be necessary to travel out of town. But at the same time, if you decide to build a country house, you need to properly prepare for the conduct of complex work, which require many time and time, and also entail great material costs. First of all, this is a heating of the cottage. It is worth noting that today there are a large number of varieties of heating of country houses. In this article, we suggest that you consider the water heating system, which, depending on your design features, can be of several types: -System of heating, which has vertical and horizontal risers;- heating system having dead end circuits and passing water (depending on the location of the highway );- система отопления, имеющая верхнюю и нижнюю подводку ( в зависимости от того, где проходит стояк с горячей водой);- однотрубная и двухтрубная система отопления (в зависимости от способа присоединения нагревательных устройств);Система отопления подразумевает под собой наличие основных элементов, For example, boilers, burners, air valve, expansion tank, circulation pump, boiler, pipes, radiators, antifreeze.