In order to succeed in growing and breeding such animals as pigs, it is necessary to take into account many factors. Even if the owner will responsibly and carefully provide pigs with high -quality food, create comfortable living conditions, change water on time, etc. D., This is not a guarantee that this lesson will bring results and income.
After all, a lot also depends on the chosen breed of animals, the methods of fattening and many other circumstances. In this regard, it is recommended to make maximum efforts so that the breeding of pigs brings precisely income, and not a loss.
It is also worth noting that many modern pig farms abandoned the traditional rules for pig care and prefer new technologies that are largely more effective and effective.
There are rules that allow you to succeed in breeding pigs. Here are some of them:
you should competently select animals;
Feeding must be chosen piglets with excellent appetite, good body design and high growth rates;
Suprosoric sows should be provided in a timely manner of quality food, which should maintain the optimal fatness of the animal, but not bring them to excessive completeness;
It is necessary to regularly walk in the fresh air;
The pigsty should have perfect cleanliness and comfortable conditions for animal living;
Young animals should be fed by rapidly (after four months from the moment of birth).
Compliance with the listed rules can lead to the fact that the owner will be able to receive about four tons of pork meat annually. If it is not possible to achieve such a result, then it is recommended to use more modern technologies that differ from traditional with their increased efficiency.
It is worth noting that by their example, experienced pigsters from France were able to prove that in Russia there are conditions in which high income from pig farming can be obtained with minimal working costs. In their technology, the French use a livestock complex, which is based on European practice, characterized by a clean -up number, careful control over animal weight, and their health. In general, such an attentive and caring attitude allows the cultivation of pigs to become a profitable and effective occupation.
So, in order to decide on the choice of technology, you need to understand in detail each of them.
Danish and Canada technologies
It’s no secret that today concrete or brick buildings have already lost their popularity. Complex decisions were replaced, which are the basis of the Danish and Canadian models of pig farming development. Please note that the first technique will be an ideal option for large -scale pig -breeding complexes. But Canadian technology is more suitable for smaller farms.
Features of Danish technology
This technique lies in the fact that pigs are contained in groups of thirty individuals in special machines on the slotted floors. The floor surface should be equipped with a well -developed system of self -replacing elimination of manure in the corresponding concrete baths. By the way, the floors themselves must be combined.
We explain: sows and pigs for fattening should be on concrete slit surfaces, which are guaranteed to withstand the weight of the largest pigs and are resistant to various kinds of damage. But piglets can be placed on the plastic floor. By the way, the last option is more comfortable for growing animals.
Within the framework of this technique, the owner must equip reliable maternity machines. Separately should be built machines for adversary sows. It is worth taking care of the heating of piglets. To do this, it is necessary to build a den in which there will be special heating panels.
Also, this structure should also include lamps with infrared radiation. Special attention is paid to the ventilation system and the automatic line of feed and water supply. Of course, in addition, work should be carried out on veterinary examinations, preventive measures, etc. P.
Separately, it is worth writing about the advantages of this type of technology:
It can be used in relation to pigs of any age categories;
Using this technique, you can ensure automation of basic animal care processes;
Danish technique allows you to reduce labor costs;
The maximum comfort is created, which corresponds to all existing sanitary standards;
The degree of conflict and stressful situations among animals are significantly reduced.
Using Danish methodology, you can increase the production of pork by an average of 15%.
The main principles of the Canadian methodology
This technology is the most controversial, since not all pigsters see the positive aspects in it, which causes many doubts about its application. Canadian technique is often called a cold methodology. It is worthwhile to understand its features in detail, considering its basic principles:
Standard stable is replaced by a spacious tent hangar;
The litter does not change and their wood chips, sawdust and other materials consists of;
The farm must be equipped with special heating drinkers, bunker feeders, to which animals should have constant round -the -clock access;
Pigs are contained in large numbers in homogeneous groups.
As for the litter layer, at first it should have a height of about 20 cm. Over time, it is supplemented. Thanks to composting the litter with manure, this layer will have a plus temperature in cold winter periods. Particular attention should be paid to drafts, as they can seriously violate the climatic conditions in the stable.
A big plus of this technique is that you can provide a comfortable about 250 goals in a relatively small structure. Also, a positive moment is the lack of need for regular cleaning of the pigsty, and, accordingly, minimizing the costs of the hangar. This technology can be safely used for swine for fattening, boars and sows.
The completion of fattening is replaced by the following step – the transfer of pigs to the meat processing plant. After that, it is necessary to carry out cleansing work in the hangar and prepare it for the next offspring.
The use of two -phase technology
As a rule, large -scale farms on the breeding of pigs carry out their activities according to a special three -phase methodology. It consists of the content of piglets in the uterus, then in the room for growing, and from four months of age – in pigsty piglets. But it is worth noting that such a system can lead to serious stress in pigs, which, of course, will lead to a decrease in the level of productivity.
In this regard, competent pigsters use an alternative option, consisting of not three, but of two phases. According to such a system of piglets, they remain in the uterine machine until the moment of transfer to the feeder. At the same time, sowing is distributed into groups according to such a criterion as the period of arrangement. This system makes it possible to get approximately two expansion annually.