Darktable 5.0 was released at the end of December 2024. It is an open-source, multi-platform graphics editor for processing RAW photos. Project builds are available for Linux, Windows, and macOS.
The project’s source code is written in C and Lua and published on GitHub under the GNU General Public License v3.0. The previous stable version, Darktable 4.8, was released in June 2024.
In Darktable 5.0, the project developers fixed previously discovered bugs and made many improvements to the user interface.
The project has added new styles for more than 500 camera models, made updates that improve performance during bulk image processing operations, and also has a new high-contrast theme, added more tips for new users, and a number of other UI/UX updates.
Darktable 5.0 also adds an OpenCL core implementation for the color equalizer, improves the algorithm for faster loading of PFM files by parallelizing the loops and makes other optimizations. The Linux version of Darktable 5.0 now supports many more digital cameras from Fujifilm, Leica, Nikon, Panasonic, Sony and other manufacturers compared to the previous version Darktable 4.8.