The destruction of the plaster contributes to different reasons: from mechanical damage and poorly performed work to the shrinkage of premises and operational disorders of buildings.
If the plaster is repeatedly coated with paint, a thick layer forms, which will gradually begin to crumble and crack. Recently, apartments are often repaired Kyiv carrying out this procedure with specialists.
Before repair work, when wallpaper, decorative coatings, tiles, paint, etc. have already been removed. D., It is necessary to blame the plastered plot and inspect. During the inspection, it is quite easy to identify various damage: chips, cracks.
And what gives tapping? It helps to understand what condition is the plaster in.
If during the blow the sound is “empty” and sonorous, then in this place the plaster was exfoliated and now needs to be repaired.
The departed layers must be removed with working tools, prepared surfaces, and plastered them with a new solution, thoroughly grinding to the old plaster. If layers of old paint come across, which are not held tight, you need to clean them with a spatula, and repair them directly along dry plaster. When they leave with difficulty, repairs should be done on a wet surface. Warm water will help to soften the old paint.
However, even after meticulous cleaning, bugors and tubercles remain in some places. In such cases, a grinder may be needed – for a better result.