Before you start repairing the mixer, you need to block the water in order to prevent which, or problems. If the mixer is of high quality, then the repair will not take you much time, because, it will be necessary to only change the cartridge. From the beginning you get a plastic plug, this can be done using a sharp object. This plug covers the hole where there is a special shut -off screw. Thanks to him, the mixer handle is attached to the control lever. Next, you need to unscrew the screw and remove the chipper handle from the lever. Then you need to unscrew the decorative nut, then the uniform, which is well closed the cartridge and crushes it to the mixer saddle. The worthless old cartridge needs to be removed, and in its place to install a new. The premises for the bank are very valid now, the price for them is now very large and it is difficult to find it cheaper.
The installation should occur so that all its holes and holes of the mixer saddle coincide exactly. Further, as you installed the cartridge, you need to tighten the unit nut, while greatly pressing it to the saddle. Followed by the decorative nut. The pen is dressed on a managerial lever, after which a shut -off screw is wrapped in a key. At the end of the work, the plastic plug is put in place.