The parameters of future housing depend on many factors, among which the characteristic of the site, its area and relief, configuration occupy an important place. Also much depends on the state of adjacent land plots.
The choice of a place for a dwelling on the site is a rather responsible business. When the territory for which projects of houses from foam concrete are selected in St. Petersburg have a slope in one direction, then the structure is usually erected in the highest third.
And if the neighboring plot adjacent to this place and the facade of its dwelling is addressed precisely to your territory? In this case, you will have to think about the location of the house so as not to look a neighbor in the windows. Yes, besides, it is necessary to take into account the special requirements for the planning of the house.
By the way, the layout of the house is also a matter that should be solved before the design of the house. Where the sauna will be placed from the beam or terrace? How many car parking lots to build a garage and how to arrange it?
In general, the planning of the household should also decide in advance. Household blocks, guest houses, platforms for the preparation of a barbecue and arbors should be planned in your imagination. And when you want to build a stationary pool on your site over time, then it is also necessary to declare this when ordering a project – the construction of such an object consists of compliance with several mandatory requirements.
In an interview with the designer, you can change some desires more than once, but it is advisable to develop the general plan of the dwelling in advance.