In summer, it is most important to properly care for the vineyard, not to allow the bush to dry and die and hot dry climate. The quality of the fruit depends on the correct regime, as well as the yield of your grape bush.
Tips for gardeners on how to care for grapes in the first season of landing
In order to provide young seedlings with decent development and achieve good results in the number of berries, it is necessary to take care of your brainchild in the first years. The main concern for the vineyard is to loosen the soil well, dig it and saturate it with the required amount of water.
The first thing to take care of is enough to loosen the ground in the places where grape shoots will be planted. At the stage of development of young leaves for each bush of grapes, it is necessary to make recesses in the soil in order for the barrel to become stronger. When three or four branches grow in the garden, in the summer it is necessary to leave only one-the strongest, so that it develops as best as possible and later give only juicy and wonderful fruits.
It is not recommended to grow such cultures as beans, tomatoes and onions next to grapes, as they will interfere with grapes in development.
In order for the root system to be powerful, it is necessary to constantly cut off the roots that peek above the surface of the earth. Because they do not withstand severe frost in the winter, and in the summer during the drought will they die from a lack of water. It is best to cut the roots in early August in the morning of the day. To do this, around the barrel of the bush, a small recess of size 20 cm and an acute secateur is made or with the help of a knife carefully cut off at the very base of the barrel. When pruning, the bush is instilled to the initial green processes. In the second and third cases, the hole must be left to a depth of 10 centimeters.
Every week you should take care of the nutritious irrigation of grapes. For each bush it takes approximately 10 liters of water. Along with this, do not forget about fertilizers: ammonia acid; superphosphate and ammonium sulfate. Be sure to blush a weed around young seedlings and often loosen the soil in order to break the dense layer of the surface of the earth, which often occurs due to rains.
Green operations and features of annual vineyard care
Thanks to timely grap pruning in the summer, they get an excellent crop. The plant will develop better if you allow sunlight to penetrate the entire surface of young shoots. The trimming of the shrub gives Losa and the leaves a sufficient amount of fresh air.
There are the following types of green operations:
trimming of grapes;
a fragment of dry branches;
Subuse of leaves.
All work on the principle of green operations is performed in order to correctly form a plant, increase its yield and fertility.
Consider in more detail each type of work.
Dry garter is carried out by gardeners at the very beginning of summer. Last year’s branches are tied to the trellises in order to direct the growth of the plant in the right direction. The garter is made in Russia in early June, when the residents of the country are sure that the cold has ended. In the southern countries, it can be started already in the month of April, before new shoots appear.
Когда виноградные почки распустились, становятся хорошо заметными пустые ветки, которые необходимо обламывать. The fragment of shoots must be carried out near the very base of the bush, in some cases the extra shoots are removed that are in the same eye. After the vines are tied, it is necessary to get rid of all dry and weak branches. The next step will be a green garter, which is performed several times in the entire season of maturation. It is needed when shoots grow 20 centimeters longer than wire on trellis.
Pinching is needed grapes at the moment when the ovaries of berries have already appeared on the shoots. And in order to give a larger space for clusters with the help of pinching, the sprouts of the fruit, as well as the very top of the vine, if it grew to 2.5 meters. The pinch is necessary for the complete ripening of the berries, thanks to it, a sufficient amount of sugar will accumulate from the resulting volume of light and heat in the berries. Those processes that were obtained from the bitch of the substitution, do not need to pinch.
The standardization of inflorescences is responsible for the size of the fetus, for its elasticity and juiciness. So the varieties of vineyards with small sleeves should remove the inflorescence of the first order. In other varieties, inflorescences of the 3rd and 4th order are removed.
Sprinkle the plant needs to be better for the best ripening of the crop. Excess greens and antennae must be removed from June to the month to August.
The leaves of the bush also need to be thinned out three weeks before the end of the assembly of the fruit. This is especially true for the lower old leaves, as well as those who give a shadow unfavorable for berries. This method will allow Grozans of grapes to get more light and air.
Harvesting is made by gardeners in order to give grapes the opportunity to fully ripen. To do this, they remove some clusters, leaving the lowest. The standardization is done in early August before the berries did not become very small.
It should be borne in mind that the young vineyard does not need green operations, it can grow freely. But already at the age of two, grapes must be performed by all of the above procedures.
The main features of courtship for grapes
The fact that vineyards should be fertilized by various types of minerals and nutrients is known even to amateur gardeners without much experience. But when choosing mineral fertilizers, pay attention to the fact that only components soluble in water necessarily include such fertilizers, otherwise the plants will not be able to absorb them. Widespread spraying of a grape bush with a solution of monophosphate or wood ash. We advise you to use these solutions in August, when the vine ripens, and the berries begin to be filled with sugar.
Throughout the summer season, it is necessary to carefully consider the bush of grapes for the presence of insect pests or fungal diseases. There are no plaque on healthy leaves, the surface of the leaf is even and smooth. If you notice an ash plaque on the leaves of your plant, or yellow spots, this indicates that it is urgent to apply therapeutic prevention. With its help, you can treat grapes with special drugs, such as:
Ridomil Gold – eliminates Mildu;
Topaz is an excellent poison against the oidium;
A solution of potassium permanganate or food soda is used if the plant is already fruit;
Fufanon – prevents the appearance of a spider mite.
Do not remove absolutely all barren shoots. It is necessary to leave one fruitless process on each fruiting process. They also form the necessary supply of useful substances for a developing plant.