Spain has gained its popularity because it gives out a multivisa for each request for six months. And an additional catch is a stay in the country 90 days from the specified period.
The minus is a huge package of documents that requires the Spanish Schengen visa. But this is quite justified, because of the 180 days issued, a person will be able to get the right for 90 days of stay. The visa got its name since Spain is a country included in the Schengen zone and therefore gives out visas, like the countries that are part of this composition.
The Spanish state gives another type of visa that includes finding only in Spain. With this type of visa, you cannot leave for other European countries. To get the first thing you need to submit documents. The disadvantage is that they can be served only in visa centers that are located in large cities of Russia.
A person submitting documents must be present in person or send a person who has documents of the power of attorney that the notary assured. Spanish consuls may wish a personal meeting with a person submitting an application and call him for an interview. Questions regarding obtaining a visa are resolved only in the visa center.
The price category of this type of visa is quite inexpensive, in general, you will have to spend about 2500 thousand rubles. The decision on issuance is made within 5 days, but in exceptional cases can reach two weeks. The resolution can be either tourist and business, then it will be necessary to provide some more documents indicating the purpose of the trip.
If a person is invited to stay in his country, then a letter is necessary from the inviting and a photocopy of his personal passport, in order to avoid unnecessary issues. If there is no way to personally go to the visa center, then you can order a courier that will help with the design.